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Writer's pictureKat-Paradise

My Faith. My Religion.

Hello loves! I hope you all been well since my last blog post! If you did read my last post, then you know my family and I are extremely God Fearing!

I’ve always had a relationship with God, for as long as I can remember. Not only was I raised in the church but I also attended and graduated from Private Church schools. Growing up, I was fortunate, to not only learn about God in church. But, also learn about Him on a deeper level in my schooling.

As, I get more into this topic. I want you all to know that I’m not here to shove my religious views on you. I’m here to share my God’s love, God’s love period. With you all. And share to you my beliefs. You can agree to disagree with me. No hard feelings.

I grew up singing and worshiping Sabbath, from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. We get our religion name from the 4th Commandment. Which states, “Remember thy Sabbath day and keep it Holy. Six days thou shall labor but on the Seventh day. Ye shall rest.” - Exodus 20:8

People always look so confused when I tell them I go to church on Saturday‘s. But we worship on Saturday, because in the Holy Bible. God tells us, the Seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord. That’s why, we are, Seventh Day Adventist’s. We go by and follow everything the Holy Bible tells us.

That is my religion. However, despite religion. My religion isn’t how I built my relationship and faith in Christ. And how does a relationship start off? You get to know the person, right? Well, just like every relationship, you get to know the person. That’s the same thing with God. You must get to know Him and build that foundation. I have seen God in so many ways. To the point where I don’t understand how some people don’t believe in Him!

I gave my life to Christ when I was 12 years old on September 6th, 2007. Now, a lot of non-believers will say the only reason why I believe, is because I’ve always been raised on it. But that’s not true. Just because my family believes in God. Doesn’t mean that I have to as well. My papa made sure that the reason I wanted to partake in any communion or get baptized, was because I chose too! Not because he wanted me

too. He and my mama made sure we all

knew that they can’t build our relationship with God. Only we can.

So, I got to know God. One of my friends and I, got together with Pastor Solis and arranged to have bible studies and learn more about baptism and having a relationship with God. My papa had no idea until, I was almost finished with my bible classes. A couple weeks later, I got baptized in the River (:

A lot, of people think, that if you give your life to God, everything is going to be perfect. WRONG! The devil is furious you want to be spend eternal life With Christ. The devil is going to try even harder to make sure you lose your spot In Heaven.

There, were so many times, I’d catch myself saying “why me?!” Or feeling so terrible, for breaking another promise to God. So, many times I could of given up. But, now that I understand. I see every struggle as a blessing. God only gives us what we can handle. And for Him to give me a load that heavy, means I’m a solider!

“Comparison is the thief of Joy.” That is a quote I learned my senior year of high school. Our mentors and guide experts took all of us senior girls out to one of our teachers cabin to have a more deep relationship with God and to learn more about self love and love in general.

Everyday, we had discussions on different topics. On one of the nights, one of our mentors wanted us to share what we have hidden inside of us, that stops us from loving ourselves the way God wants us too. I remember my best friend and I shared our pain. And everyone being in shock. They told us “we would never expect that from you two. You both are so happy everyday.” Some, even explained how blessed of a life they have compared to what we have felt and been through.

My point to this story is, no matter how strong of a relationship you have with God. You will always go through pain. People love to compare their lives to others and questions, “why do they have it so good and I’m always struggling as a good person?!” Because, those people aren’t strong enough to deal with what you can. They wouldn’t be able to survive a minute in your shoes. And there’s always that one questions when someone you loves die. “Why God?! Why them?! Why would God allow this to happen.?!” People only allow you to see what they want you to see. You don’t know what they are going through behind closed doors. God could have been saving them from something they wouldn’t be able to handle or giving them the peace they have been praying for. It will always be hard while we are living in a sinful world. And God has said that multiple times in the Bible. So, I encourage you all to do your own research. Especially the ones who do not believe. The God I serve is powerful and His love never fails! I’m an example of a believer of faith. I have never been afraid of anything and have always had my head on strong. Wouldn’t you love to walk fearlessly anywhere? And never have fear of the future? I fear nothing but the Lord Himself. His plans are far better than mine. I pray for everyone reading this! Whatever you are going through, I promise God will get you through it!

All my love! Until, next time💖🙏🏽

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