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Writer's pictureKat-Paradise

Speak it into existence!✨

Hello Loves!

I have a few questions for you all.

What are your dreams and aspirations? What motivates you to accomplish your goals? What businesses do you want to own or create? What steps are you willing to take too succeed?

When is the last time someone genuinely asked you, “What are your dreams and your goals?”

Are you the type to write out your goals? Are you the type to set reminders? Do you have a board that you hang on the fridge to remind you of what the agenda is? Do you have that one amazing person to set you straight in life, that supports you?

I ask these questions, because sometimes we get so carried away with the world we forget who we are. We forget what the goal is, or maybe we have always had the goal in mind, just not the greatest support system or we just don’t know how we are suppose to get there. There is a motto that comes to mind. A motto my 8th grade graduation class came up with together. “ Follow your Dreams. Never Give Up. Live for Christ.”

I have always kept a list on every dream I’ve ever had. ha-ha. Big dreams. That I want

to share with you all today. I have never forgotten them. Because, one day I plan on accomplishing them. With God. I can do anything I set my mind too.

I have recieved my business management license already. (: It is so crazy how look back and see your growth. And the best part. I’m not even close to being down!

I have such a huge business pitch that I will be presenting to the Bossbabe Corporation and Elle. and even if I don’t win it. I hope to inspire you all to never give up on your dreams. Not matter how big they may be.

This business will be a positive outcome of what happened to me with the last company I onced worked for. They have motivatied me to create a business where I can help upcoming small businesses or huge corporations to not make the same mistakes they made.

I wanted to write to you all today to let you know. If you were waiting on a sign to make that huge leap of faith for yourself THIS IS IT! FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS! KEEP GOING! EAT UP THOSE NO’S!

Your failures are the experiences to help you learn and make you stronger for the negatives that will come your way when you are trying to make your dreams happen.

I am rooting for you ALL! I hope God sends all the things you need to accomplish them. Remember you have to meet Him half way! Put the work in! Wake up and grind, even if you don’t want too. The goal is to make your dream a reality. No more closing your eyes to see your vision and your dream. This time. They will be OPEN! And all your hard work you put in will pay off!

If you need a positive support system, I am here! You need a positive conversation, I am here! You need your energy recharged like I do, I am here!

Let us all, follow our dreams, never give up, and live for Christ!

Until then,

All my love. Xx

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1 comentário

Lexy Lexx
Lexy Lexx
18 de fev. de 2021

I know I need a longer list of goals, I love reading your blogs girl. I’ve never been into blogs. Ever. But I like yours for sure. Keep it reeeeal, love it

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