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Writer's pictureKat-Paradise

This is America.

This is America

Hello Loves,

How are all of you doing? I hope all is well with you and yours!

As, you all know everyone is fighting a battle. A battle we may not know or a battle we are seeing right in front of our eyes. There is one battle we are all fighting together. And that battle is racism.

My brothers and sisters are protesting and screaming “BLACK LIVES MATTER” in every street in America and around the world. To this day, I do not understand how people of every color do not get it.

I am so, sick and tired of seeing my own kind against it as well. There comes a time and place where you need to put your pride and beliefs aside and remember that you are human at the end of the day. And when you die. You turn to ashes, like everyone else.

A lot, of white people think somehow, they were the first color in this world. Apparently, they have not read the bible properly or even done their own research. The first bones that were found were of a black person. Not white. BLACK. A COLORED person. Period. Unfortunately, your color came last. True facts. So, there should be no reason for you to tell the Indians, Mexicans, and African Americans, to go back “where they came from.” Uhm sir, you came on that Mayflower into their land. Maybe you should hop back on it if you do not like what they have to say. PERIOD.

We need to all remember; we are ALL children of GOD. We are ALL precious in his sight! The color of your skin does not determine how great you are. Cause when that baby burns. It is not so great after all. We need to learn to LOVE one another. This world is getting uglier and crazier by the moment. Come together and fight the good fight of equality.

It is crazy to me how people think that we are being brainwashed and they do not believe that minorities are not being oppressed. How freaking ignorant could you be?!?! I seen one of my friends online stating that we must forget everything we learned in history class about black people being oppressed and being slaves. Like it never happened. ARE YOU FREAKING STUPID?!??! Okay, so when it comes to Black Americans history that shit is all a lie?!! So, Martin Luther King Jr and hundreds of people did not march the streets of Selma? That racist didn’t go into a black church and kill everyone in there because he didn’t like black people?!?! Like the KKK don’t exist?!?! I’m starting to think someone need to make that Mayflower again, to ship y’all back to where YOUR ANCESTORS CAME FROM. And please take the other minorities who are brainwashed with you and drop them off to the counties their ancestors are from too. (:

This land was taken from Indians and Hispanics. Oh, I’m sorry are we going to brainwash that history too? Or…… Exactly! No one ain’t boo boo the foo here. I’m so tired of hearing people who aren’t Indian or Hispanic telling someone to go back where they came from. As if, they belong here lol. We could all be petty about this situation. But we all know who is going to win. THE TRUTH. And what about the children that are being treated like animals? Scratch that, they are being treated worse! I know we are better than this. How could you sit there at your desk doing your job in the white house, knowing there is children in cages??! BLOWS MY MIND.

Please start educating yourselves. There is some information out there that are created by people who have hate in their hearts, some that are mixed with truth and error. I pray you find the truth. Because, believing that minorities are not being oppressed. Is about the most ignorant thing I could possibly hear right now.

Racism is just part of the problem. Our military needs a wake up call. Raping our men and women and treating them like sex slaves when they are fighting for this country is beyond me. Hiding situations under the rug like they never existed and using them for your disgusting projects. What have we come too?

Sex trafficking is number 1 in America. How could our country sell our children like they are nothing?!?! Forcing them to have sex with grown ass men and adults. I cannot. We can’t let who is in control of country continue to do this. We have to work to stop all of this.

Let us start respecting each other and not trying to kill each other. There is as bigger enemy out there. And it takes us all to stand against it. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

Until then,

All my love!

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