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Writer's pictureKat-Paradise

Unapologetically Beautiful.

Hello Loves, I’ve always admired beautiful women. Growing up, that’s all I’ve ever been around. My family is full of women, not only beautiful in the outside, but, also in the inside. If you have ever wondered where my sass and strength come from, it’s from these women. I admire my aunties & my mother so much. They have showed me what strength and independence Is all about.

But, without the strength and knowledge of one woman. my mother and her sisters would not be here. That woman. Is my mama. This woman taught me, to never depend on a man! To make sure that everything I do, I do it on my own without the help of anyone or a man. No matter how bad life gets or even if I have a man. To always work and make my own money. Because, men, are never reliable. Ha-ha. #Facts

There is a quote I used in my last blog post, and it states, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” A lot of us ladies are guilty of this. We compare the way we look to other women. And society has never helped in that area either. Let me tell you something. The same girl that you compare yourself too, is the same girl that is comparing herself to the next girl! Do not let what other people want you to see too make you feel any less of who you are!

I’ll keep it real with you. I have never compared my body or looks to anyone. However, I have compared the way my lifestyle is to others. I would always ask God. “You know they have bad intentions, and I’ve always been good. Why am I constantly going through hell and these people are getting everything they want?!” ALWAYS! I have always asked this question! But, what I failed to realize, they are going through hell too. Money cannot buy happiness. And everyone is fighting a battle that you do not know of.

As, a woman who believes that women should all uplift each other and support each other. I have always hated when someone calls me “jealous“ or “insecure.”

There is nothing I want or need from another woman. If I’m in a relationship and I feel some type of way. It’s because, of how you treat me around them. I will rephrase that. It’s because, of HOW YOU TREAT ME IN FRONT OF THEM. I will never be jealous of anyone. Period. I will say that again. I will NEVER BE jealous of anyone. And if you really knew me. You would know that. When you know you are GREAT, there is NO REASON to hate!

Some, women use their looks for

bad. And I’ve always been a woman that has been good on energies. If I tell you I have a bad vibe about someone. You should listen. Because, I have never been wrong. I’m a woman with intuition. And you know what, shame on you ladies! Shame on you for using your beauty and taking advantage of others. You have forgotten that what matters in the inside is what is mostly important. You may have other people fooled. But, you don’t have me fooled.

I understand, this world is cruel. And usually women like that, don’t love themselves. They always need a man to feel loved. And I’m here to tell you. YOU DO NOT NEED A MAN TO FEEL LOVED! YOU DO NOT NEED A MAN TO FEEL VALUED, AND YOU DO NOT NEED A MAN TO FEEL WANTED. Men have used and abused you. And you feel lost and misguided. But, treating your sisters, as if they need to feel the way you do. Is not going to make you feel any better. And I’m sorry if anyone led you the wrong way. But, as your sister on Women Empowerment. I’m here to tell you. YOU CAN DO BAD ALL BY YOURSELF! Love yourself first! No one can love you better than yourself and God. I promise you.

I want every little girl, young lady, and women to know. We are not against each other! Whatever you see on social media and what society tells you is not TRUE! You can be whatever you want! You are BEAUTIFUL no matter what shape or size you are, and what ever drama you have against each other, it is not worth it. Remember, who you are! You know what’s awesome about being yourself? Is nobody else is like you. Why should we all look the same? When we were born to stand out & stand strong together! I am blessed to have a circle of women who remind me everyday of how blessed I am! And I would love to show them all appreciation.

I love you girls! Thank you for always making me feel beautiful🥰🤍 I hope you all know how beautiful you are!

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